Why Aluminum In Deodorant Is Bad If You're Pregnant
If you're pregnant, you've probably been bombarded with a million different things to worry about. But here's one more to add to your list: aluminum in deodorant. Yep, that stuff that keeps you from smelling like a gym locker is actually bad for pregnant women. Have you ever thought about what's in your deodorant? You might want to take a closer look at the ingredients list — if you find aluminum in it, read below why aluminum is bad during pregnancy.
Safety during pregnancy is a top priority for all expectant mothers. Once you get pregnant you need to be extra careful to avoid anything that poses a risk of damage to the baby. Well, as it turns out, that includes aluminum antiperspirants and any skincare with synthetic fragrances, parabens, phthalates, triclosan, benzene, and other harmful ingredients. Let's talk about the concerns and problems of using aluminum in deodorant.
Here is why aluminum in deodorant is bad if you're pregnant
There's some conflicting information out there. Some people say that aluminum in deodorant is bad, others say that it's perfectly safe. What's the truth? The potential health problems associated with aluminum—termed the "aluminum hypothesis"—were first raised in the 1960s and studies in the past have not positively confirmed the links. With the advancement of science, researchers are starting to look into the issue again. Here, we've gathered information from a recent study (linked below) that you may want to consider.
First, it is widely accepted that Aluminum is a neurotoxin that can cross the placental barrier. Scientists have established that even at low concentration levels it may impair fetal growth and affect the baby's cognitive development during pregnancy and after birth.
Scientists agree that aluminum is toxic in all developmental stages and even at low concentration levels during pregnancy can lead to lower birth weight and length, as well as a decrease in cognitive function. A study in 2018 evaluated the exposure to aluminum in pregnant women and their unborn children. One explanation of the results is that competition between aluminum and essential trace elements during pregnancy may be the possible mechanism for explaining adverse reproductive outcomes.
The study's authors advise pregnant women to avoid antacids, medications, and even cooking utensils that contain aluminum! They also recommend that after birth mothers should be protected from aluminum over-exposure, as babies continue to ingest it from the breast milk.
Aluminum is a metal that can be found in many deodorants and antiperspirants. Why is it there and what does it do? It works by forming a gel that enters our pores, it blocks them and provides a temporary solution by stopping sweating. Well, that sounds ok, BUT it also has an effect on other natural functions. It's blocking our body's natural processes that help eliminate toxins and preventing it from efficiently cooling down, which results in a higher body temperature.
That's right. When it comes to deodorant, what you don’t know can hurt you—and your baby. Why would you want anything that has the slightest chance of harming your body and your baby? There are plenty of options to choose a safe deodorant for pregnancy that will not put you and your baby's health at risk.
Aluminum antiperspirant may be bad for you during pregnancy but you may need more deodorant especially then. Let's take a closer look.
How often will you need deodorant during pregnancy?
Most pregnant women don't usually need to use deodorant more often than they did before pregnancy. However, some pregnant women find that they perspire more during pregnancy, so they may need to use deodorant more often. If you're pregnant and your armpits are sweaty or smelly, or if you like to be active and exercise, then you need to use deodorant while you're working up a sweat.
When you practice yoga, go to the gym, hike or do anything that makes you sweat, naturally your body will need extra protection from BO. A natural deodorant will help keep you feeling fresh and confident throughout your pregnancy – just make sure you have an aluminum-free and safe deodorant with you!
When during pregnancy do you need deodorant the most?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, since every woman's body reacts differently during pregnancy but here is what's likely to expect.
First trimester — some women find they need more deodorant than usual during the first trimester because their bodies are adjusting to the pregnancy hormone levels. The increased sweating can also be due to morning sickness. If you’re dealing with nausea and vomiting, you might want to try an unscented natural deodorant.
During the second trimester, your body adjusts again to the new hormone levels and you might find that you need less deodorant. You could also start to experience body changes such as breast growth or swelling in your feet and ankles, which can lead to increased sweating.
The third trimester is when many women experience the most sweatiness. Due to hot flashes and the baby's extra weight pressing down on your veins, which makes it harder for the blood to circulate, your body temperature goes up and naturally you sweat more.
Postpartum — after giving birth, you might find that you sweat more than usual as your body expels the extra fluid it retained during pregnancy. You might also experience night sweats due to hormonal changes after childbirth. For some women, this increased sweating can last up to six weeks postpartum.
Moms-to-be should know that staying safe during pregnancy is only one part of the story. Once your baby comes out, it's essential to make sure it's getting all the necessary care and attention so its health will thrive!
If during pregnancy you're sweating more, you'll want something stronger in your armpits. Will deodorant with aluminum do the job? Yes, but the question is it safe remains. Most importantly, it can also harm your baby. It's best to avoid any antiperspirants with aluminum in them during pregnancy, especially since aluminum-free natural deodorant options are available. There are plenty of great natural deodorants on the market that will suit your needs during pregnancy. Just be sure to read the ingredients list before buying!
Aluminum in deodorant is bad not only for pregnant women and their babies, for adults, it may cause Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive impairments. It can also cause breast cancer. We cover both of these problems in another post.
Nicely’s organic natural deodorant is safe and long lasting. It’s scented with organic and therapeutic-grade essential oils.
Safe and effective aluminum-free deodorants for pregnant women
Ditch the stink: Nicely Natural deodorant offers safe 24-hour protection with seven organic active natural ingredients to absorb moisture and neutralize odor-causing bacteria: Coconut oil, MCT oil, Dual Magnesium (oxide and hydroxide), Kaolin Clay, Zinc Ricinoleate, Zinc Oxide, and Baking Soda.