Deodorant Sensitive Skin - 5 Ingredients to Avoid
Do you have sensitive skin? We often see beauty brands touting their sensitive-skin friendly products for the body & face, but what about sensitive underarm skin?
Aluminum Salts in Deodorant: Safe or Harmful?
We recently wrote about how aluminum can affect pregnant women and their babies. But how harmful is aluminum in deodorant for everyone else, really?
Why Aluminum In Deodorant Is Bad If You're Pregnant
If you're pregnant, you've probably been bombarded with a million different things to worry about. But here's one more to add to your list: aluminum in deodorant. Yep, that stuff that…
Can a small natural deodorant do that?
Does Nicely have the power to keep you fresh all day long, to cut plastic pollution, and to plant trees around the world? Watch the video.